Gone With the Wind

1.Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening.

In class we discussed the movie “Gone with the Wind”. Before it became a movie it was a novel by Margaret Mitchell. She wrote the book in 1936 and it took 10 years for her to write it. Selznick purchased the rights for the book for $50,000. This was Mitchell's only book that she published but there were other books that she wrote. Another thing that was discussed in class was that Selznick was fined $5,000 by the Hays Office for the famous line "Frankly my dear...I don't give a damn."

2) Find a related article (on the film, director, studio, actor/actress, artistic content, etc.) You can use the library or the internet. Cite the article or copy the url to your journal entry. Summarize in your own words the related article but do not plagiarize any content.


This article was mainly about how successful the movie turned out to be. Like the article says "Gone with the Wind was the longest, most expensive and successful Hollywood film made up to that point in time." This movie alone pushed other studios to make better movies. When the Academy Awards came up most of the awards went to either Gone with the Wind itself or just to the actors and actresses in the movie. Unfortunately Clark Gable did not win the Best Actor award.

3) Relate the article to the screening

After reading the article I started to understand how hard the director and the cast worked in order to make a perfect movie. It also helped me to appreciate the older films more. Watching the movie I would have never thought that Hattie McDaniel would have won an award and not Clark Gable. The movie did not portray slaves the way that other movies did. The slaves actually had a voice.

4) Write a critical analysis of the film, including your personal opinion, formed as a result of the screening, class discussions, text material and the article. I am less interested in whether you liked or disliked a film, (although that can be part of this) than I am in your understanding of its place in film history or the contributions of the director.

After watching the movie it really opened me up to wanting to watch older films. Movies today are just not the same as back when Gone with the Wind came out. Watching this movie I actuall felt what each character was feeling and even began to cry. This movie takes acting to a whole new level. The director did a great job with picking the actors and actresses because watching the movie I felt that they were destined to play their characters. Also, the setting of the movie was perfect.